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Ria Miral's "Little Rome"

Updated: Jun 27

After a decade of writing and revising, Ria Miral finally launched her first book Remind Me in Rome: A Catholic Travel Memoir last April 27, 2024, at MilkyWay Cafe Makati. The book is about Ria's pilgrimage in the Eternal City, exploring issues that trouble modern youth and highlighting reasons for continuing to believe in God and the Catholic Faith.

The intimate event started with a prayer led by the emcee and the book's developmental editor, Elaine Marie Factor of Scribblory. This was followed by sharing of 'house rules', self-introduction of participants, and opening remarks by the author herself.

"When I went to Rome, I had three goals in mind: to escape my troubles, to regain strength, and to find meaning," Ria said over the microphone, "I invite you to do the same . . . This afternoon will be our little Rome."

To know more about Ria and her book, Elaine called two attendees to read the synopsis as well as the author bio on the book's back cover. Ria was then asked to come in front to answer questions like: "When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer?" "What made you decide to write a book about Rome?" and "What was the writing and publishing process like?" She told the story of how she loved reading and writing since she was very young. She would make mini books out of folded bond papers and fill them with her stories. She wrote her first storybook when she was 6.

To follow this up, the audience asked her questions like: "Which chapter was your favorite to write?" "What's the very last sentence of your book, and why did you choose it?" Ria claimed to have enjoyed writing the emotional scenes in the book and describing Rome. She ended the book with "Deo gratias" as it captured everything that she thought and felt about the journey. Now that the audience's interest was piqued, Ria went on to read aloud a chapter of the book for the audience.

A quick Q&A game was conducted right after the 15-minute break. For the winners' prizes, Scribblory sponsored two copies of Pen De Manila created and authored by Rosalie De Silva, Naysan Albaytar, and Vergie Manligas.

The program wouldn't be complete without the book's publisher, Felz Etorne of Metacognia. In her speech, Felz briefly told the story of how difficult the publishing process was and emphasized the importance of letting go.

Finally, Ria closed the program by thanking each attendee and the people who became part of her book writing journey. To memorialize the event, everyone gathered for a picture-taking and then lined up at the book table for Ria's book signing.

Congratulations, Ria Miral! Thank you for bringing us to "Little Rome". Your Scribblory family is very proud of you!

Remind in Me Rome: A Catholic Travel Memoir went out of stock about a week after its launch. In the meantime, you may message Ria Miral to get copies and updates regarding reprinting and restocking.

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